Was spent in bed. The bronchitis that seemed to be going away snapped back like Balrog's whip and pulled Aubrey first and then me, back into misery. What the hell?
It's hard not to be angry. The first thing the recession took was my gardener. Then almost every other little 'extra' I enjoyed, but finally, it took my medical insurance. I can do without the extras. I've learned to live very frugally. But this is when it hits hard. I've been watching this thing from the beginning, seeing more and more people lose the quality of life they worked so hard for. And being one of them.
Maybe I should get good and mad. Maybe it will burn out the fluff, get me hard and focused.
On top of it, I've been looking into our food situation. I was concerned about every product I buy having corn syrup in it, and little nutrition. So I started digging on the web and, stuck in bed all day 52, watching some documentaries. Ignorance is bliss. The thing that really GETS me is that I can choose to pull my antennae in and live there. Or I can know we can't even trust fresh vegetables. I don't really want to know this. But you can't un-ring a bell.
Too late. I'm there. Look around if you dare. Start here: Terminator Gene
Or don't. It's up to you.
And yet people wonder how on earth they can get ecoli from spinach. Why it just so happens to be the carrier that pulls the gene into the spinach plant in order to modify it. It makes me sick. Monsanto - the monster of GMO food.
I sure don't look to the Gov't to help since they are in bed with Monsanto but I do believe people are waking up and there are plenty of grass roots movements under way who will eventually turn this mess around.
ODD imagination: right. The ecoli was put there as a vehicle. Just watched The Future of Food. There are many good documentaries out there. I have to wonder though, if they're 'preaching to the choir.' How are the 'masses' reached? We can vote when we shop, but only if GMO foods have labels. It's scary to think that things won't change until something truly catastrophic happens. It seems the only way to motivate human beings---to push them to the brink of extinction.
Food, Inc. was such a scary and enlightening documentary. I liked Food Matters too. Stocking up on the Super Foods!
I was disturbed how many connections Monsanto has with the government. :(
Its positively horrifying what they do to food these days. In Australia there is still some significant resistance to GM foods (which is a relief) and I do tend to go to the organic farmers markets for a lot of my vegies. And I have friends who grow their own in backyards and on balconies who share the excess with me. Having food issues anyway (gluten intolerant and allergic to milk protein) I've always been picky about what I eat - but it is hideously expensive to find food that hasn't been mucked with.
And then when the catastrophic event occurs people will work to make everything better....so they can slowly revert back to old habits over time until it happens again. History repeats itself. Sad but true. But I guess we'll never know until it happens.
crydwynn:I saw Food, Inc. Also enlightening. I'll look for Food Matters. On Monsanto---I agree. Scary how many government officials had lofty positions there.
shu-shu-sleeps: good for you and your neighbors. Scary thing is, it's going to be nearly impossible soon to find seeds that haven't been tampered with. We have an orange tree in our yard that's been here since the 50's. That, I trust. I saw on The Future of Food that people in the UK fought hard for labeling of GMO foods.
J.W.B.: It sucks that you have to be worrying about this stuff at all. I'm ashamed of my generation, then again, I wasn't in charge. Poppets try to warn us. Maybe we should do a warning animation. DOOM and GLOOM may as well be fun.
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