Here is She, the Ravn, creating things behind the camera. She calls herself my gopher, but sometimes she runs me in circles. She is my webmaster, and sometimes more---I feel her subtle tug on my puppet's strings.
She loves horses (her own, in particular) and buttons that say things. She is multi-talented and has a wicked streak but mostly is very cool and today is her birthday.
Happy Birthday, Ravyn!
Happy Birthday Ravyn! Hope your day is wonderful - have fun pulling those puppet strings.....
Happy Birthday Ravyn!!!
A Haiku:
Celebrate Ravyn.
Slaughterhouse would be empty,
Had you not been born.
Happy Birthay Ravynovitz!
Hope you had a lovely time. And many happy returns of the day.
(Sorry for lateness - I was out of town yesterday.)
Great haiku, RRNN!
THANK YOU, everyone!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Ravyn! Sorry I missed it on the actual day...stinking work is cutting into my blog time! ;) You do such a terrific job with the websites and I just wanted to say 'thanks'. Hope your day was marvelous and that the celebration continues!
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