A few weeks ago, I took a long walk in Neil's very big back yard. It's a magical sort of place, even on regular days. But this day, there was a light snow falling, and nearly absolute silence and I was ready to see whatever there was to be seen. It was unexpectedly perfect. Today I needed to stand in the midst of trees and whiteness and quiet again. I thought it would help. It did. I thought you might enjoy the photos I took. So, here they are.
That particular silence during snowfall in the country is indeed a magical, almost "holy" experience, and your photos took me there in my memory.
Thanks again for lending us your artist's eye.
Jane Yolen's "Owl Moon", all the way, people.
Lisa, if my e-mails have gone awry again, let me know.
That tree, with all the fungus, is begging to be drawn into some strange, fantasy illustration. Cool shot.
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