If you ask me, Happiness is overrated.
I’m not referring to those naturally occurring moments of feeling happy. I’m talking about the grand LIE of being happy.
“I just want to be happy!” I personally would like to choke the next person I hear saying that. “Just” ? “All I want is a tiny little permanent state of bliss, is that so much to ask?”
Whomp! Lambchops and mint. Delicious.
We have taken a natural human emotion and twisted and misconstrued it into a mythical, unattainable STATE OF BEING.
Happiness simply doesn’t exist in that form. Humans aren’t meant to exist in such a monochromatic state. We need the full spectrum.
We come to believe, at a very early age, (Thanks a fucking pantsful, Walt Disney!) that Happiness is a plane of existence we will eventually find ourselves in once we slay the dragon, find the perfect mate, become a beautiful swan, make a fortune, join that cult, write that book, divorce that bitch, lose those pounds, get that car or whatever- the- hell we believe will bring us to that blissful completeness.
There is a lot to be said for living our lives, accepting the mix of joy and misery and the contented, productive moments between.
Happiness is fleeting.
Know it when you’re in it, and it will always be a part of you.
Sadness is fleeting.
Know it when you’re in it, and it will always be a part of you.
Knowledge is permanent. Get some.
Here’s another favorite of mine:
“I’m terrified. Things are going so well I just know something is going to happen to mar my perfect day! (week, month, trip, etc)
Well, of course it will, you idiot. It already has.
Recognize good times when you’re in them, get through the bad times, learn something and get on with your life.
Who says the purpose of life is to BE HAPPY? It is a LIE!
The ‘pursuit of happiness’ is the eater and destroyer of life. Is it possible our forefathers knew this? Evil Bastards!!
Whether they did or not, it sure has us by the balls now. Wouldn’t you agree that “the pursuit of happiness’ is just this: a trap ?
We are hamsters on a wheel, chasing a myth, some of us until our last breath, at which we realize our mistake and there’s nothing left but to say, “Shit!”
I generally believe, if someone were to compile a list of final words, ‘shit’ would be way, way up there.
And just Who benefits from this PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS?
The Marketing Minions. Corporations. Our governments. Our churches. Panicked hamsters panting on their personal wheels generally don’t look behind the curtains.
We puppets, we sheep, run, run, run on the wheel. Nearly exhausted, we scamper on. If we work a little more overtime we can get the car, the facelift, the collectible DVD, the picture phone, whatever lame product the perfect, happy people in the commercials are drinking/eating/wearing/driving/fucking. We too will have arrived.
We will BE HAPPY. For EVER, Amen.
And, THAT’s how they snare us. Every sales pitch out there starts with convincing us that we are lacking something that, once acquired, will make us happy.
Look around you. Did that espresso machine do it for you? What about the exercise machine your laundry is hanging on?
There’s nothing wrong with Stuff. If there’s something out there that you think you’d enjoy having, that would make your life better, get it. Capitalism has its good points. Okay, one good point: We have lots of shiny CHOICES.
So Choose, but this time, with your eyes open, knowing that whatever you select will not bring you to a state of permanent happiness. Probably it's not worth blowing your rent money on.
There is a difference between Want and Need. A cute new pair of shoes can make us feel happy for a little while, and that’s okay. Said shoes will not bring us to a State of Lasting Bliss. That’s a fact.
KNOW this, and then choose.
Armed with this particular knowledge, we will be not be easy targets for marketing minions.
People who THINK FOR THEMSELVES rarely are.
GET OFF THE WHEEL. It eats up life.
If you must pursue something, go for knowledge. You don’t have to chase it. If you open your eyes, it will come to you. There is a never ending supply, plenty for everyone. It is free, non-exclusive, calorie-free and carries with it, very often, great joy.
Peace go with you, dear reader, and thank you.