Lisa is Back
The Madness Continues…
I’d like to introduce you to my new friend, Grim Ratter. He’s smart and witty with a winning personality!
Okay, he’s smart and feels terribly misunderstood. But he does have a dry sense of humor. After all, it’s a tough gig he’s got there. He enjoys discussions with the Neil Gaiman Rat and sneaking up behind the Easter Bunny Rats, tapping them ever so lightly with his tiny skeletal paws…

He’d like to come hang out with your rats too. Or on your desk or bookshelf. His classic robes never go out of style actually, so he looks great anywhere, anytime.
I want to thank you all for the tremendous response to the September Rat Madness, so will extend the sale to include Grim Ratter too.
$15 and $5 for shipping RATBAG
(Now, thanks to Ravyn, with New Improved Paypal buttons!)
But only until Halloween. If you want to have him with you by Halloween, you should place an order before Oct 25.
Or, as always, you may mail to the SlaughterHouse address:
4741 E. Palm Canyon Drive PMB C-115
Palm Springs CA 92264
Thanks and Happy Ratting.
Ahhh… It’s good to be back.
I will have to ask permission to fight with my wife and convince her to let me make her let me order one of these.
Oh, Please, no fighting. There's always offering to clean out the garage. Or you could vacuum before asking. That occasionally works on me...
He's so nifty! I'll have to order him for the hubby for Christmas.
I'm glad you're better. In your last post you mentioned saving for a good cause. I do some writing a small press called Yard Dog and we decided to do just that. At cons we do the Yard Dog Road Show where during the reading three others do interpretive dance behind the reader. It's hysterical. It's a standing room only thing at small cons. Then Selina had an idea. We'll all write a 1000 words or less for the Road Show, put it together bathroom reader style, call it Flush Fiction and we don't get paid. Instead all proceeds will go into a fund for hospital bills. Most of the Dogs don't have medical insurance. I know it's a small thing, but it also keeps the word charity down when pride's involved. If you worked on it then of course some of it is for you.
Little things can make a difference. I applaud Yard Dogs (go Selena!) and your creative solution. Health insurance can be a real challenge for artists and writers. I'd like to see more of us taking care of each other. Kudos
To Quizotic: Smart gift, good friend. Thanks!
Chibithulhu would love to have the grim Ratter for a friend. Lovecraft-rat is such a party pooper.
Got my rats yesterday!!! They are so awesome! This one is also cool and I feel the Grim Reaper rat will soon be casting its deathly shadow over the others.
So glad you're back amongst the land of the living.
Will definitely be ordering this sadly misunderstood fellow (he's a party rat. I can feel it. He's just not popular...) as soon as I get paid next week.
I was always convinced our world had a Death of Rats scuttering about somewhere. He looks the thoughtful type...
So glad you're better. The site came up blank last time I tried to access it, and I did wonder slightly if you had vanished beyond our ken. But no.
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