I'm going to be putting up a page of special pieces for holiday gifts.
The first of these is "Luck's Dancer"
Does he look familiar to you? He should, as he is cast from a mold taken directly from "Luck Be Nimble, Fate Be Quick" SlaughterHouse Studios: Luck Be Nimble
Everyone seemed enamoured of the little dancing jester the frog was trying to snare, so I thought it would be nice to make him available. I painted the original one yellow, in balance with the rest of the sculpture it's a part of. But now the little fellow is on his own, possiblities abound.
I'm really attracted to the idea of painting each one uniquely. This would allow me to be creative and will make the jesters ever so much cooler.
But, I can't show fifty different designs on the website. SO. What I will do is eventually settle on one design, and give collectors the option to say "Surprise me!"
The jesters are 9 1/2 inches from elbow to toe.
What gems.
I like the idea of each one being different.
Purrrhaps they would do well in the art show at Balticon (or other cons) where people could see them and choose the one they like. Then they might have to buy two because they can't decide!
hmm...Just how fast can I type paypal.com?
Well, I just sent these three to the World Fantasy Convention. This morning someone ordered and said "make me one like the red/white/black one". That works too!
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