Today the weather is a wholly different animal. Way too cold for swimming and the winds have arrived, dragging clouds behind and herding dust devils before. decorating our streets with all sorts of debris. We saw an overturned tree, rather large, on the golf course, with a circle (rather large) of golf course still attached.
I caught Spencer as he passed on his land sail. He got up to nearly 30mph at one point. You can see in the photo some of the debris that was moving around.
No breaking news on the Rattus Norvegicus situation, except that I've left no more treats and we cleaned the pantry. I'll very likely make arrangements for traps early in the weeks. We have to scope out a good place to free the critter, provided we catch it. Reading lends me to believe that capturing a rats is not as easy as it may seem. It will be a project in itself. Finished Robert Sullivan's book "Rats" and highly recommend it---layered and captivating and obviously written by someone who loves the city of New York and her history.
Still catching up pieces owed people and clearing up "The Cave" to resume video work. Heads up---we'll be putting lots of 'old' stuff up on a (wow, literally a clearance--suddenly I get it) sale next weekend.
Looks like a marvelous day was had by all! Love that Aire Poppet!
Oooh... A flasher poppet!
The previous word recognition was lotderat (Lord of the De-ratization?)
OMG - screaming fan girl moment. I was showing the ebay store to my new friend last night and I saw him and SQUEEED like a teenybobber at a boy band concert. Because I already have a balloon based elevator for the Steampunk Poppets lab that I've been building, because I've been looking at Balloons for the Poppetropolis park.
Specifically this balloon
I knew poppets needed balloons.
I'm totally freaking out- it's so cool.
Something happened to me yesterday, but it was also small. I think I'll put it in the forums, in Inner Workings.
Happy Birthday to Orion. Pictures with names are beautiful. You should give copies to all their parents. Not every parent knows about time travel.
Soo Cool!! Many skies inside.
Happy Birthday to Orion! I remember my 7th birthday... I had an astronaut cake.
Happy Birthday to Orion! 7! How do we slow the march of time?!?! I hope his birthday celebration was as fun as the pictures seem to indicate.
ravyn: It was good to see Orion so happy, for sure.
spacedlaw: now you've gone and done it---a whole new thought train
drinne: true about the balloons, and good idea about the photos. Just like taking photos of the kids rooms. So much fun to look back as an adult and remember the room and the toys. I hope this one helps him remember the sun and cold water and laughter of the day
Carl: Hey! good to hear from you. and thanks! I think, the only way to slow time is to go to the dentist.
Slow time, Lisa, not kill it! ;)
happy bday orion you are loved very much by mimi, pops and me ( aunt michelle)
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