Tonight was for putting away holiday dinner things and playing music on glasses with water in them. Did I wince a little as Orion took fork to crystal? Oh yes. Was it worth the risk? Without a doubt. Perhaps it should become a post-dinner-party tradition.
I've been thinking about the direction of the blog for the coming year. Sometimes I consider writing more technical studio entries. Generally I don't, thinking those who would be interested already know more technique than I. Then again, maybe they don't. Here the truth probably is in the middle.

Though helpful in unexpected ways, my biology major didn't prepare me for becoming a professional artist. That's come via pure trial and error (sometimes of the spectacular variety.)
Surely, Ben and I have experienced moments of pure engineering brillance. Likely we've also re-invented the wheel, so to speak. We are two self-taught artists working in virtual isolation. I imagine we swim in a soup of newly discovered tried and true (stuff we might have learned at art school), peppered with bits of ingenious innovation.

That said, is there anything in particular you'd like to discuss here? After all these years of stumbling along, we've finally realized that in some arenas, Ben and I are the experts.
I wouldn't mind a bit of a geek-out-tech-talk once in a while. If you have suggestion, please comment here or email me at tinystories@gmail.com.
It's eleven? How'd that happen? Sheesh, it is time travel. Leftovers are calling.
No suggestion per se, but I'd love a bit of geek-speak once in a while. I'm various curious about the practical intersection of art and engineering, such as in Neil's kinetic sculpture.
Me too for the "how-to" of kinetic pieces. Where do you find parts / know what parts you need / all that jazz?
Sensors and motors would be fun - as well as particulars on mold making and resin pours. It would also be neat to see the development of one of your figures, such as the harlequin - whether you start with plasticine, or use an armature with paper mache, etc. I think many would gain a deeper appreciation of your work once they see the many steps involved in the making of your pieces.
I love seeing works in progress and hearing the technical details behind the creation of art. Those of us who aren't artists but still have a bit of the creative spirit like to know the tricks of the trade, etc. It is fascinating to watch.
That being said I always enjoy your posts as they are.
Oh, I don't know. Our arts don't much intersect, so I enjoy reading about the artist within. I imagine... Remember in the first Lethal Weapon, towards the end when Mel fistfights Busey (?) on the lawn? After a hard day of fighting and nearly dying, the other coppers want to suspend the fight and move-on to the arrestin', but Mel drags strength from deep within, and discourages them. That's what your writing is like. Not bloody-sweaty-gutteral, I mean your voice is stripped of every layer of artiface pretty much all the way down to This Is English, and you speak from your inner self, free of affectation. Just you. It's a not "nice" inner self, necessarily, nor need it be. It is an honest, unthreatening voice, and I like hearing it.
Well, ok, reading how you do what you do would be fun, too. And if you really want to make friends, publish winning lottery numbers at least a day in advance.
Well, we're coming up on the 'home stretch' for the Fortune Teller. (It's one of the deadlines I mentioned recently.) When we're done, I'll post the photos I've been taking along the way, along with some of the notes. That should take care of the geek speak, the kinetic how-to and tech talk. I'll throw in a couple of Bennisms and near misses too. I need to make a mold soon too....better check the batteries in my camera...
January and jet-lag... so not a good combination. I'm looking forward to more in-progress photos, and yes, please show us the mold-making!
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