I found a wonderful sweater. It's nubby, warm and looks like something my grandmother wore when she did her housework. It will be my studio sweater and I love it already. Also, three molded plastic rodent forms that require batteries and do weird things. They will eventually become three very weird things that do weird things.
At night I work on Tiny Stories. Later, when everything is quiet and I can read with real concentration.
When it's time to stop thinking, I'll play Rez. Pete tried to get me to play Rez for months. I'm not a video gamer. It wasn't around when I was a tot so I never got into it. Then, he and Orion were playing and I saw the top notch art and music and the intrigue began. Now Lisa is liking the zone. Lisa is kicking robot ass. And shooting things. Oh yes, this is good...
So I was curious about this game Rez, than would so captivate the Rat Goddess. A little time a googlin', and of course I find myself on the Wikipedia entry for Rez. Aside from being informative, I was rather amused to read about the Trance Vibrator that was released in Japan as an accessory, and in spite of its name and the fact that it comes with a washable pouch, Sega does not recommend/denies designing it to be used as a sex toy. Sunday morning amusements abound...
Thanks for the links, Daecabhir. I just finished reading the Wikipedia entry...
...that explains a lot.
Er... I was going to say that Rez is one of my all-time favourite games. But now I'm not quite sure I dare.
Sounds like an interesting...'game'..wink, wink, nudge, nudge
Ugh... Rez is... ADDICTIVE!! My husband and I have unlocked more weirdnesses and colour schemes than is good for us. No 'game' should be this life-sucking.
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