In the end, Ravyn's spousal unit found her a flight out of Palm Springs for Saturday morning, so we drove back home, had lovely conversation, made a silicone mold for "Emily", watched some wicked funny commercials on Ravyn's laptop, listened to Aubrey's afternoon epiphany and had a lovely extra day.
This morning I sent her off with a breathtakingly beautiful full moon hovering just over the mountains.
Now I must take care of all things domestic and studio-wise which were horribly neglected for the sake of art and friendship. I owe many emails, several packages with little sculptures and a number of phone calls.
Aubrey, Orion and I are all about half sick with colds, a little fuzzy but getting on with the fireplace and green tea. I shall tidy up a bit because soon Ben will be here for project work and Strange Fish begs for completion.
have a good weekend.
Gads! What a couple of doof-balls ::grins:: You girls are soooo cooot!
Just a couple of crazy kids... if one can call Satan and the Anti-Christ a couple of kids. Looks like y'all had a good time, but I'm glad to have her back home...
Don't you have a bit of a bad history with catching flights lately, Ravyn? (Only kidding).
You know, I didn't notice that it was Friday the 13th. Silly me. I don't suppose anything too bad can have happened...
You know, i've caught a lot of hell over that, especially at the Balticon meeting that night, heh. One of the club memners said to me,"Remind me never to let you book my travel!"
But you know what, it happened the way it was supposed to happen. We got to make the molds that we didn't get to the night before. And i picked up some *very* important information about flying out of Palm Springs, something i will need to know when i book Lisa's travel for Balticon. Soooooooo, it all worked out :-)
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