Gene Wolfe is so very cool…. He’s so cool that when I sit next to him I feel cool too. The chapbook is coming from DreamHaven, is called Strange Birds and will be released for Balticon 40.
I’m using a mix of hard green wax and a fairly firm modeling clay. (I get both from http://www.monstermakers.com/ . Good stuff, nice catalog.) The wax has a low melting point and hardens almost immediately---even faster in winter.
I found it more difficult at first than soft clays like Fimo or even Plastilina, but keeping a bit of it warmed in a glue warmer, along with keeping tools warm there too, works.
The technique is a bit different, more carving than molding---so I’m using different tools. It has a low elasticity, so little stretch. Any techniques requiring stretching or pressing would have to be done quickly.
The advantage is that the hard clay holds even the sharpest edge detail well and can be finely finished. It’s nearly impossible to get this quality of original with softer clays. When using those, I’d have to make the clay original, make a ‘waste’ rubber mold, cast the figure in resin or wax hard enough to finish.
It’s a sort of trade off---. Personally, I prefer to put the time into sculpting the original, then casting it in the resin marble mix, which can be polished much like stone.
It’s my preference for figurative pieces.
So, yes, I’m making an attempt to take better care of myself. I’m told I’m horrible at it.
I haven’t really wanted any sugar today, and I ate leaves twice.
I’m not overly fond of leaves.
There were some real zingers in the studio today. Ben and I were on fire.
I mentioned that.
He said that all it takes is a bit of misery in both our lives.
Send in the clowns.
Tonight I have begun reading the file of what Bob Podrasky tells me are the best of the TINY STORIES, the project entries.
This is such a cool project. I'm enjoying the reading. I anticipate the work ahead. These weeks are and will be work intense. But then I'll play for a bit, put stuff back in my head and, like the Pretender, get up and do it again.
That's as good as it gets.
Is that, possibly, the male "Relic" in progress? It looks beautiful...
I'm happy about the Gene Wolfe stuff, and I think you should feel cool as often as possible. Because you are.
Looking forward to hearing more about Tiny Stories.
Congrats on snagging Gene Wolfe! That is such a great project, can't wait to see what it inspires him to write!
Very cool about Gene Wolfe, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he writes.
He'll be a guest at an upcoming con in Raleigh (which is hosting DeepSouthCon this year), and I'm very excited. Don't know if I'll actually get to talk to him, but it'll still be cool.
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