What if Poppets dream? I'm not sure, but I can imagine. This one is inspired by one of mine. It was an extremely cathartic and satisfying piece to work on. More and more I tend to use Poppets as tiny canvas. Definitely bigger inside than out.

And, then there's Moonlight.

As for the 'fixing Lisa', I've resumed my long-neglected morning exercise with stretching. Today I'm extremely sore, but I've been here before, and know from experience it will pay off. I'm making my daily list more realistic, with time for breaks and an afternoon swim. And later today, I'm headed over to Studio Two to work with Bent on a collaboration.
It's at least a hopeful start. Will let you know as it goes...
Hope your Saturday is good. Do something for yourself.
i like Nightmare #1, it's freaky and disturbing. i guess it's what scares people about clowns.
Not sure if i've done something for me today, but i helped G (along with a mutual friend) kick off the sorting and packing process. After sorting CDs and DVDs, i began to pack his 3D art collection. Which consists overwhelmingly of the population of Poppet Planet :-)
Things are beginning to gel in my mind, art will start happening again - both Foppet and Poppet Bag art, and fabric/costume art. i think both of those tracks are important to me, i am improving my skills in both areas.
i'll be documenting the process in the Forums soon, but here's a photo from Balticon, that shows the skirts i made for myself and a friend: Steampunk DanceTicia, in case she's reading, is on the far left, then Melody, then myself, then a girl whom we met for the first time and i forgot to get her name :-(
Nightmare #1 is... disturbing. I've had garishly vivid dreams like that, sometimes it seems like my dreamscapes are more authentic than "reality."
Something nice for myself... I reclaimed my den from various projects, and I'm about to go out an enjoy a glass of wine on the deck. :)
Curious to see Strange Machines.
creepy! I guess the little fella is having a nightmare about silly humans.
I've been a silly human lately too-driving myself round the bend with a major work overload. So yesterday was for a sunny walk around London and a picnic in Hyde Park with a friend.
This week will be a week for sorting and getting back on track. Time to remember the positivity I have buried in here somewhere!
hey guys: it's disturbing to me too, but very satisfying. it was one of those rare instances where I visualized something and stopped everything to make it.
I needed one of those.
sounds like we're all striving for balance this week
I made a video for the "Credits" and an Episode Guide for Tales of the Tiny Alien which is now complete. I did do that for me.And a wee bit for you Lisa. : )
I should be really proud instead of looking at Nightmare #1 and saying "Ah yes, poor thing, welcome to my world." But it's not quite working out that way.
OK confession time - I used to be pretty good at this and I found out that 4 years of inactivity in the creative arts and six years of inactivity in video editing plus a platform change equals something worse than a noob. It makes for a cranky life crisisy not-so-young woman.
Fingers don't work right, neurons fire randomly, your memory is your enemy.
But as I relearn my way through the video process I'm pretty proud of the fact that I didn't let it stop me. However I'm terrified I can't begin to get back to where I was. Bone deep scared in fact. It's a small thing but so much easier to focus on than the bigger nightmares.
I'm posting it here anyway as links in Poppet Videos- and it's on the Dreamtime Drinne blog. It's been exactly a year since the Poppets said Wake Up, and you can't lie to a Poppet.
I didn't used to be afraid to fail either. But then I guess it hadn't felt like I had lost so much. Failing doesn't mean "I tried" now, it means something darker if you could do it before and now you can't.
I finished it though and it's cute, if not correct, so I win. One small alien in Nightmare Land. Winning. That's me.
WV is diriti - a diminutive term of affection used to refer to gypsy children who disappear in plain site.
Update - I went to see UP today - that made everything better. Even work.
I wonder what that movie looks like to young people?
Will now learn new editing tool and put it in my Adventure Book.
So there : )
I love Moonlight. Seems very peaceful. Nightmares, I've had a few...
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