September's Caterpillar
Today I began to put the last of Summer's work up. Tomorrow I'll finish it up.
It's still maddenly hot, but we're starting to believe it will eventually cool down.
Today was Pete's birthday. We kept it simple, with a few friends dropping by, some cake (pirate, per Ben) ice cream and swimming.
He says his best present was Orion coming home saying that he loved school.
I think so too.
It's not uncommon to find Pete comtemplating the universe in his sandwich. But indeed uncommon to catch him on video. This rare glimpse of the elusive giant is from our friend, Kai who is the Secret Squirrel of cell phone photography. Happy Birthday Pete.
Happy Birthday to Pete! That is a great gift indeed...I hope Orion has a long future of teachers who encourage and nuture that love of school.
Happy Birthday Pete! ARRRRRRRRRR!
Happy Birthday Pete. So glad Orion enjoyed his first day. September Caterpillar is beautiful. Keep up the good work.
Happ Birthday, Pete.
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