Sunday, February 24, 2008

Photo Perspective

Mimi Ko is here this week. With her help, I'm upgrading the photography lighting for the studio.

I'm enjoying experimenting with photographic images. Working in less familiar territory always seems to pay off. The poppet image is a group effort. I made the Poppet and umbrella, Ben sculpted the cat, Mimi lit and photographed them, I added the effects on computer.

I liked the desert photo of me because everything about it is Mimi's unique sensibility. It becomes recognizable, looking through her portfolio. She has a certain way of seeing her subjects, even when they're not seeing her.

The last one, taken last night in available light (both subjects were actually sleeping on the sofa) I'm pleased to say is my own work.

We'll be back in the studio tomorrow morning. I highly recommend working with something new and unfamiliar. It seems a good tool for expanding vision, getting unstuck or boosting creativity.'s fun.


  1. I've considered illustrating some of my own poetry with photographs in the past, but I never seem to get the composition, or the lighting, or the whatever (including the jargon) right enough so that I like what I've photographed. And the reality of the photos never seems to really suit the unreality of my writing in a way that makes sense to myself or others. I'm not saying its impossible, but I just don't understand enough about photography to make it work for myself... yet.

  2. I'm trying it a different way...I'm trying working WITHOUT a skill I once had...talking. No voice. Zilch. I sound like a poorly conceptualized comic book character..maybe I will find my voice by losing it. That sounds Zen...

  3. RRNN: The photo of sleeping Mimi and Gurtie was mostly luck. I know what you mean. After the lighting and the composition, there's still a lot of 'whatever.' I suspect the difference between good photographs and great ones is to be found in there.
    For me, the trick is to shoot lots of frames. Some factor involving monkeys and typewriters comes into play then, and I get a good one.

  4. david: that does sound Zen

    How about a day of gargling with salt water and not talking?

    that sounds...Mom

  5. Wow, that picture of you in the desert is stunning!

    I've really enjoyed the photography of the Poppets over the past several months. The quality and creativity involved in their presentation has such a fun, playful spirit to it. Often I wish I had a set of postcards or greeting cards with Poppet images on them. Hmmm.....

  6. A day without talking would be wonderful...but as Dad, and Network Administrator, and IT GUY, it just seems unlikely. I may try the saltwater...thanks mom...

  7. Yay for Mimi Ko! Those pictures are glorious.

  8. I admit... your monkey and typewriter theory is the same one I use most of the time when I shoot photos.

    I love Mimi's photos. She has a splendid eye. I really like the desert shot too and you are right, she really does let you see her subjects in a very special light, even when they are not seeing her.

  9. Carl: You noticed! yay and thank you. I've been developing (honestly no pun intended) my fledgling photography skills and having more fun.

    Adding Mimi's expertise opens up lots of poppetous possibilities.

  10. hmm, Poppet Postcards......
