Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Today was mostly about the sky, it seems.

It was a day of bright changing skies. Took a couple of photos.

Tried to focus on working, but couldn't stay inside.

This evening, I haven't accomplished much since about 7:30. Pete phoned from a gig (I'll paraphrase his description: omega list celebrities, audience possibly including illuminati and definitely including Monte Burns) to tell me the lunar eclipse was visible.

I couldn't stay inside much after that. There were white clouds moving about, a bit of sprinkly rain and our beloved moon, in rare light.

I didn't even try to take photos. I know better.

Started taking photos of some new Poppets---here are three of them, sort of hanging out--but the light wasn't right and mostly I wanted to be with the moon instead. Will take more photos tomorrow.

Again with the sky. Some Poppets carry their own skies.

Here's a peek at the new chapbook. I'll keep you posted on its availability---should be very soon.

Poppets raining, in a stormy sky.

Time for food, and such. And after all is settled, a blanket and hot drink outside. Something tells me I need to spend some time looking up. G'night.


  1. Can't wait for the new chapbook! That is one of my favorite of your painted images.

    That grumpy cat face poppet mask cracks me up as the weather here overnight and today is as far opposite your pictures as it can possibly be. As ice rains down on my office window I have that same grumpy feeling inside. Not as much from the weather as from the fact that I made the unwise choice to come in to work when I could have just stayed home!

  2. Thanks, Carl! I've read the stories. They're (as always!) not at all what I expected, but even better, and very Peter Beagle.
    I hope they do well.

    Now it's on to Strange Machines (building two of them now) and Strange Light.

    We love the grumpy cat too. Need to post some photos of the live one!

  3. Strange Light... that's a tempting title. Light is very important. And sky. I love the poppet that carries the sky around.

    I always liked Terry Pratchett's line (actually, Granny Weatherwax's) about making the sky your hat... though when I do that, I end up with very crazy hair.

  4. Thanks K: Exactly. Light is important. And working with Larry Niven will be strange and wonderful. I'm looking forward to it.

    And thanks. I like that concept of 'taking your sky with you'. I just finished a poppet with an umbrella that has sky inside. Birds too.

  5. How fun that it is based on a live cat. Definitely want to see those photos!
