Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Light and Poppets

Carl V mentioned in comments that he'd like to see postcards and such. I agree!

We'll do that, eventually, I'm sure.

In the meantime, this lone Sourpuss seems to need a thought bubble. Be my guest!

We experimented with natural light and controlled light.

I learned a lot and we came up with some good ideas for future images.

Mimi has gone home and now I'm preparing the March Poppets that will go into the ebay store this weekend. It will be worth visiting for the photos alone. Well, I think so anyway.

This afternoon Orion and I built a Lego castle, complete with catapult and siege engine. Then we just threw blocks at each other for awhile.

Friday, Ravyn will arrive to work on other projects.

This is a busy house of comings and goings of all sorts.

Works for me.



  1. OMG love love LOVE those Sourpuss masks!!!!! That is so awesome!

    i have..... some foppets preparing to accompany me out west :-)

  2. You know, that chariot should be drawn by a team of foppets :-D

  3. those cats are great!!!!

    and a foppet led chariot sounds wonderful!!!

  4. Woo hoo!!! Postcards!!!

    That wagon of Sourpuss' is a bit scary...reminds me of a day at work with complaining employees. Ha!

    Love the inside of the umbrella and that you did something creative with it. Very cool.

  5. You have the best house guests. ^_^
