This has been a weekend for ordinary things. Several deadlines have been met, the rest are in the hands of others for the moment; shippers shipping, craters crating, printers printing and authors authoring.
Tomorrow very early, Ben and I are to begin the studio remodeling/reorganizing project. Then I'll start posting photos of studio work again. After a full year of projects and no clean up, we are(ok,
I am) ashamed to show the state of our workplace.
Not to mention the massive tool migration. Screwdrivers and clamps, lying down together--I tell you it's madness.
Then there's inventory and restocking. Okay, the restocking is fun. It's partly comprised of drinking coffee and flipping excitedly through specialty tool catalogs. Happy Holiday to us!!
I'll likely show a couple of new pieces--several are very close to being finished. But mostly January will be for organizing and working on book projects, some Poppety and some---well, sheesh, I guess they're all Poppety in one way or another.
So yes, this weekend was about not hurrying and eating lots of food. I did brush my teeth, but I don't think I brushed my hair even once. I wore my favorite ratty jeans and a baggy sweater.
And it was for sleeping in a bit, with cats and kids. Well, one cat and one kid--but they require the space of two.
Pete and I watched the A & E presentation of Blazing Saddles with commentary, which gave us a whole new appreciation for a movie already a favorite.
We installed a new faucet in the kitchen. I'm pleased to say we were only squirted once. It's shiny. It doesn't leak at all. And it's shiny.
I liked the blue tv light on Orion's face as he watched 'The Grinch" (the animated one, with Boris Karloff.) At night before bedtime, he watches an episode of Samurai Jack. He likes the dubbing in French. He asks me questions. He reminds me that I speak French quite poorly.
And then there's this:

Just go to
Media Matters to read the article.
Does Poppet laugh, fear for humanity, or both?
And, what would Bender say?
I'm glad for "off" weekends. Less news, More Mel Brooks.
have a good Monday.