They are here: Luck's Dancer
Ravyn tells me that as of right now the Luck's Dancer Summer Sale is OFFICIALLY BEGUN. She has done an outstanding job.
Famous Little Red Poppets too...
Whew! Your Lisa is quite tired. She will go out and float in the pool and contemplate how lucky she is to be floating in a pool---face up, under stars. Tomorrow will be hot, and very busy.
BWAHHHHHH!!! yeah, floating FACE UP is always preferable!
Gee. Thanks for pointing that out. I suppose generally people floating face down aren't thinking about how lucky they are. We are getting punch drunk, indeed.
I used to like doing "dead-man's float" in swimming at school as a kid... I can hold my breath for quite a long time (evil laugh).
I've been offline for a week (moving house) and - whew, what a lot of posts. The little red puppets with Luck's Dancer? They seem to set him off rather well.
Hey, great art can come from floating face down in a pool -- look at Sunse Boulevard, for example!
I hope its face up!!! ;)
So psyched about the Poppets! My order is in!
Better get a big box ready Lisa!
Done and ordered! I let the child and the huzbin each pick one. :-)
I so admire you Lisa. We put in a pool five years ago...a really nice one...and no one ever goes in it. I've been in it once. ::sigh:: Funny that...as a kid I never got out of the pool to which we had a membership and would have killed for my own pool.
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