Instead of being good and posting, Lisa is being bad and going to see Superman, in IMAX/3D. i forgot to ask her if she could sneak a photo with her camera phone, heh.
And since i haven't been to see my baby recently (bad mommy!), i will leave you with two photos from my trip to Cancun in March. The photo of the beach was taken at night with no flash and no tripod. G and i took lots of photos that way, and some of them turned out rather well. Spooky but good. The other photo is not what you think it is, heh.

nitey night!
Hi Ravyn! Nice pics, I have heard Cancun is beautiful and nice ones as well of the fireworks. I love fireworks too,and would happily join you in a pyrotechnics company someday, haha, I would love to design them, and figure out how they achieve some of the effects they do. Lisa, hope you are staying cool! What the heck is up with the phone lines out there!?!
But what is it??? :-D
It's a volleyball.
i was lying on a deck chair on the beach, looking up at the clouds, and trying to keep the volleyball net out of the frame. When i snapped that photo, i didn't see the volleyball at all, hehe. Just one of those weird things that happens sometimes :-)
Ah... tricky lady!
Especially posting it after your sun picture, all I could think was that it was the sun, or moon or something!
Its very nifty, though! What neat pics!
I hope Shoreleave went well for you all. (Were you in the planning for that?) I know several of my friends from the Fighting 501st were in attendence. ;)
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