I'm going to be making a new something for the Mr.
Gaiman. He tells me that the something should be happy and wise.
Smart fellow, he is. He understands that artists need room to stretch.
Happy and wise... bigger inside than out.
In the meantime, we're making new art for February---Valentines and Astronauts. How is it that they fit?
Honestly, I'm not sure yet how. But something tells me they will. I've learned to trust that something.

And of course, there had to be a third steam punk Poppet. For every reason, but mostly because my nature

seems to abhor even numbers. It's just the way I'm made, I suppose. Lisa needs her primes.
(I was reminded that 2 is also a prime, by Zac, and rightly so. He removed his comment because I answered with the voracity of one persecuted--I was actually, but certainly not by Zac!
Come back---we need you on our side, catching our foibles. Silly humans.)This thought is inspired by Syd. I added the question mark on an impulse. There are several good ones up on the forums and I'll add some new photos to play with this weekend.
On that note---have a good one. I'll be back in the studio working on new stuff, except for tomorrow evening, when we take a car full of kids up to 'the hill' to get a non light-polluted view of the night sky that we hope will astound them, awaken new interests and open discussions about 'out there.'
Also, I wanted to tell you that I just finished making a mold for some of the individual crows sculpted for this piece called
"Waiting." I gave them little Doc's, so they can stand on their own. I'll be making some available in the store in the next few days, along with some seriously cool paper doll pieces.
Have a great weekend, and as always, thanks for checking in.