Now I'm counting down the last days before Vcon. We're all frayed around the edges, but I'm not stressed about the convention. It's a friendly group---at least I assume so---experience tells me it will be.
I had a camera on hand when we took a short break today. Spencer played. I took photos of my feet---no idea why---
and photos of some of the newest gas masks for Poppets.
This summer has sure battered us on many levels.
Yes, it's nearly October, but summer in the desert isn't over until we feel a chill in the air.
Where's the chill? sheesh...
The work is good though. At least we have that going on.
Have you been watching the news? Do you, like me, watch with the blankets pulled up around your chin? I'm thinking, it's never really a good idea to panic, but maybe time to think ahead a bit.
I'm not saying we'll be running for the hills, but these are scary days.
I'm thinking that now, more than ever, it's time to be a little kinder to each other---even and especially to those with whom we disagree.
Beyond that, I don't have much. I pulled some photos totally at random from the files I set aside for one of my VCon programs. It's a weird mix.

Lisa wants her groove back. Possibly (and likely) the convention will give me a reset. Such a weird mix of sadness and comittment to the work---to you too.
Today Aubrey and I went shopping for the last bit of stuff for the children's programming at the con. We'll be making Halloween brains. We bought way too much crap. But then, Halloween is my Christmas, sort of. Possibly we shouldn't drink iced coffee before shopping.

Lisa wants her groove back. Possibly (and likely) the convention will give me a reset. Such a weird mix of sadness and comittment to the work---to you too.
Today Aubrey and I went shopping for the last bit of stuff for the children's programming at the con. We'll be making Halloween brains. We bought way too much crap. But then, Halloween is my Christmas, sort of. Possibly we shouldn't drink iced coffee before shopping.
Have a good Saturday.