My normal server is down, so I can't make Blogger match the captions to the photos. I imagine you can figure them out for yourselves.
Sophia and Orion.

(Sophia's dad thanked me, of course.)
Kung Fu Hustle.
Kung Fu Mahjong, not so much.
but definitely Kung Fu Hustle.

Robert has a new Poppet-y tattoo. More photos and info can be seen here.
A Poppet contemplated Lake Tahoe during Pete's travels.
I'm a bit under the weather with some sort of cold-y virus-y miserable thing that jumped onto Pete, then Orion and then me. Judging by their speedy recoveries, it appears to be mean, but very short-lived. They were already back underwater today.
Rest, fluids, and the entire second season of Dead Like Me seems to be getting me through it fine.
The heat is wearing on us. We expect this every year, but this summer seems particularly bad. The brighter it gets outside, the colder and blacker become my soul. Ahhh. Summer Hate. At 7:30 this evening, the decking outside was still too hot to stand on. I'm working, tortoise-like, steadily, quietly. Slowly is better than nothing. It goes back to that whole 'chipping wisdom' concept. I force myself to do some bit of work every single day on the fortune teller and, well, I begin to see the end of the end.
Time for pj's and cold medicine.
Chipping wisdom indeed. Eventually the bird moves the entire mountain, a pebble at a time.
Nice tat :-)
ahhhh, Dead Like Me...I finished with the first season recently and am eagerly anticipating the second! Enjoy and I hope you feel better.
I heart your poppets!
right on, dan guy. and the elephant gets eaten, one bite at a time.
janet...the second season is good too, different. The alternate view of George disappears, the plot line gets darker, the characters deeper. and it's still really funny and sad. you'll like it, I think
It was like finishing a delicious slice of chocolate cake. I wish I could eat it again.
well, damnit, now i have another tattoo idea to add to my already long list of tattoos that i want and cant afford...
i seem to be cursed in regards to Dead Like Me, i am on an eternal wait list at the library for the last disc of season one, and my tivo promptly erased all of the season 2 episodes it recorded last week, because i forgot to tell it to save all the episodes...
anyway, im in utah, and yes, it is way too hot.
I like the Lk Tahoe pic and the tattoo. I really enjoyed Dead Like Me. It was filmed in Vancouver and for me in some ways it is like all the others filmed here (especially Highlander)... I spend at least part of almost every episode going.. I know where they are!! I've been there!! and that is very strange and creepy when it is about people being killed everywhere and coming back to life sometimes (also like Highlander... hmmm).
On that line of thought they also recently filmed a Zombie movie in BC... and we have 'zombie days' in the city... apparently (I haven't had a chance to see one yet) groups of people (sometimes hundreds strong I hear) dressed and made up like zombies start at one point downtown and all spread out... acting like zombies. hehe I can't wait for next year.
Keep chipping Lisa, like zombies out for brains or energizer bunnies... just keep going at it, you'll get there.
Best wishes for increased health and wellness in your home! Summer illnesses are the worst, in my opinion.
My friend and I were just talking Kung Fu Hustle the other night. Seeing it here must be a sign that it is time for me to watch it again. Such a quirky, fun movie!
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