Tuesday, May 22, 2007 8 p.m.Royce HallUCLA
A Truthdig debate between Sam Harris and Chris Hedges
Moderated by Robert Scheer
For more information and tickets:TruthDig Debate
email: author@samharris.org
For more information and tickets:TruthDig Debate
This looks worth a drive on the TEN to me, especially if Pete's driving, and likely some interesting conversation on the way home.
So much bad news. So much sad news.
Our house is quiet but for the sound of distant gardening and smells of cut flowers and fresh coffee. How tempting it is to hide out in here. But we won't. We watch. We learn. Don't we?
On Dreary Days We Play. That seems to work. On dark days, when all else fails, I can make toys.

This box holds a Little Red Poppet and two masks for her to wear. It reminds me a little of a trunk doll I had when I was a little girl, a little of a ballet box and seems a bit like a Victorian toy.
I like it.
This box holds a Little Red Poppet and two masks for her to wear. It reminds me a little of a trunk doll I had when I was a little girl, a little of a ballet box and seems a bit like a Victorian toy.
I like it.
Masks and other costumes seem to be a theme this month. We'll open the gallery again on April 28th with Poppets dressed in costumes from "Through the Looking Glass" and others. There will be a few rats this time too, as I can fit them in.
Mostly we're back to working on the fortune teller, which will be very cool once done, but for now, because of all the delays, is getting to feel like an anvil over our heads. Well, my head. Ben seems unaffected by either headlines or deadlines. Good for him, otherwise he'd be making toys too. Then again, what are the kinetic pieces if not big toys?
At any rate, it's good to be working in the studio again. Now it smells of paint instead of dust, which in my view is better. And if I make only toys for awhile, that's okay too.
There are lots of new topics up on the forums www.poppetplanet.com including some new Poppets on Tour photos on flickr. Thanks Laura!
Supposedly there will be a Poppet Planet party at Balticon. As soon as I have more details, I'll post them here.
My coffee has been drunk. Time to make things.
That poppet box, and the masked poppet within, is truly marvelous.
Love the poppet box! And I can't wait for Neil Rats! Good to hear from you again Lisa.
The poppet box is awesome. I like it very much!
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