Sunday, December 30, 2012


Today was cold
and windy. 
There was work and play.
Sometimes it was hard to tell which was which.


  1. The tree looks like a dancer in a white brocade gown...

  2. Hi Syd! She'll be dark when painted - more like grey brocade. But I really do love the texture. Did it by spinning a brush. With do-overs and cussing.

  3. That is an AMAZING tree Lisa! I've always had a thing for trees..anything nature related, really. Just wanted to let you know it's been another wonderful year following your work and your progression in life and I'm so looking forward to all of the amazingness to come that's still undiscovered in 2013

  4. love love love! a little army of Poppets and the most mesmerising of trees. What a great load of work and all mixed up with ping pong, happy smiles and sparkling lights :) xx

  5. beautiful texture on the tree....well worth the cussing! Hope your new year's is a safe and great one!

  6. This is to become an image for the cover of "Nevermore" by David Wilson. I'll be painting today and probably photographing tomorrow. Holiday Schmoliday.

  7. Hi lisa,
    Happy new year! I love your work and have been reading your blog since 2006, i thought this year i should finally start commenting. I really enjoy reading about your process and I was wondering what are the poppets made of? Looks like some kind of clay in the photos of them in progress. Sorry if you've covered this before in a previous blog.
