Saturday, December 08, 2012

  Mostly I'm making Poppets and being Mom.  In between, I'm creating work for Boskone and trying to chip away at projects. 
   And being a Small Business Owner.  Here, Intuit is holding a contest for grants to people like me.  I'd sure appreciate your vote.  This one is for helping me complete the Poppet Tarot.   You can help with your vote - and you can do that right here.

 VOTE for Lisa's Small Business Wish


                                                                    Thank you!


  1. About that tarot card set... you're working on it as well, I hope?

    (Only yesterday we were talking about our little poppet family and the BF remarked on how each one has got a different expression, although they do not really have a (painted) face.)

  2. I voted! And it looks like I can vote again tomorrow, so I will. You should share this on facebook so more people can know about it.
