I also have a household. A ship in the desert that must be maintained and fueled. And the world of Poppets.
So yeah, like most humans, often I pick up more plates than I can juggle. I don't like doing anything unless I can do it well. I'm just made that way. That includes writing here. So I tend to skip it until I have time to give it my full attention.
Right. Maybe I'll try doing it half-assed for awhile, so that I at least show up.
So here's a mixed bag of little things from this past week:
The weather in the desert has been really, really weird. Feels more like Florida, especially in my build-in-the-1950's neighborhood.
I've concentrated my studio efforts on catching up custom poppets. I'll post pictures as I get the photographs done. Here's "Wolf's Moon" poppet created for Anrica Mills, who lives in South Africa.
Yesterday I saw Samsara at the theater with Pete. Yes, that Pete. I've been as astounded as anyone that we were able to find a protocol for peace. I had the opportunity to tell the story to the lovely Valya Lupescu, who visited with her family last week. I agreed with Valya, it's a good story, but I won't add it to my list. It's in me and will show itself in the work. I highly recommend Samsara. Please see it on the big screen while it's available.
I continue to fear for humans. I'm taking small steps to be part of the 'solution.' I'm from a generation of wastefulness, even though my parents weren't wasteful. It's a frustrating thing. For example, I make an effort to conserve water, yet there are over a hundred golf courses in this desert. Cloud Atlas teaches me that though I'm only a drop in the proverbial bucket, the oceans are made up of drops.
With that in mind, I'm seeing all sorts of small changes I can make. I can stop purchasing useless products, freeing up money for things I actually care about. I can use less paper, fewer chemicals, waste less time too.
I'll make a real effort to post specifics here. But now, I must get into the studio. Poppets must travel.
Hope your Saturday is good.
Thankk you for writing this