Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Things doing when under the weather

A week of bronchitis for Orion and me. Finally, though still coughing a bit, we begin to feel like humans again. Finally patiently waiting poppets are on their ways to new places. I caught up on some reading, some television and while sitting with O as he did homework from missed days, I sculpted some new little creatures that need no painting.

Lots of sleep for Orion. Lots of soup for me.

I could sure use a week or so with no new hurdles, but for now will be content to breathe through my nose. I think the hardest part of it was that my brain really wanted to be creative. There my muse was at my door and I didn't have the energy to entertain her. But I made her some tea and gave her a cookie and she promised to come back soon.

I suspect she's never very far away at all.

Hope you're avoiding nasty viruses out there in the real world.


  1. Nope, we aren't. The ones(viruses) that are brought home from kindergarden are especially tough breed. But we use a bunch of home remedies and essential oils (it seems they help, and even if they don't at least they smell lovely).
    Stay tough!

  2. ugh! hope you can get and stay healthy. I was sick right before Christmas and right after New Years, but luckily nothing too severe.

    I just love seeing the evolution of poppets - these are gorgeous!!!
