Saturday, July 10, 2010

small things

Started the day with a quiet swim. Birds and insects all get the same greeting. "Hello, beautiful!"

Temps all week in the teens, including today, so Spencer and I looked for a movie to escape into. (The kids are away this weekend.) Found two that look interesting--City Island and Exit Through the Gift Shop (first choice) but only showing at 9:30 tonight. Oh well, it will be hot still and it's Banksy.

Visions all night. The more life I experience, the more I tend to believe in a sort of balance---a sort of pay-as-you-go system, checks and balances. Like drive and anxiety, intuition and distraction, perception and sadness. If there is indeed an equation less than an inch long that will unify all knowledge of the universe, there must be some sort of balance. That's how equations work.

We head out now to buy vegetables at a local growers market, and sunflower seeds to plant between the corn. I see art in everything today. Composition in objects, human beings as poppets.

Sounds like a sort of insanity, for sure. But the household runs, kids get to school on time. I'll take it.

When I opened the door, the delivery guy gave me the smile that delivery guys give to pretty women. I am pretty today. I don't know why. I'll take that too.

I'm off, into the bright, white day in the desert. I'll let you know what I find out there.


  1. That checks and balances that you speak of, especially with the intuition/distraction and perception/sadness. I feel that. I see it and I get it.

    I'm trying to solve my equation to bring me back to good.

    P.S. with your permission, I'm probably going to quote you on that. It seems very appropriate for the life that I am having.

    P.P.S What a beautiful, wonderful creation...the steampunk lady.

  2. Enjoy your day. Beauty, balance and being fill you and the in between spaces. That's what is evident...even to delivery men.

  3. So very true.

    If only it were universal human knowledge that all people were born with : There is a balance. People jump through things one at a time, not recognizing the connections just worrying about the next step.

    Enjoy your good day! Love the new steampunk poppets.

  4. Beautiful poppets! Hope ypu will find something interesting there:)
