Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pictures of today

A chair makes the greenhouse a fresh retreat.
An untouchable Tortie tucked away under the bench makes me smile.

A freckled face makes me smile more.

Balls in weird evening light.

The cloud responsible (in part) for the strange light.

Surreal fun with flash.

An image that works for me.

This was today.


  1. A great day filled with the best of things. The simple things are the ones that serve us best, don't you think?

  2. Love your greenhouse retreat. I can imagine becoming lost in a good book in there.

    Wild cloud pictures! That is one of the most sci-fi-ish images I've seen in a long time! I can easily imagine strange lights and alien abductions happening with that kind of evening sky.

  3. MelissaP" Those things are certainly the ones that ring most true.

    Carl V: Thank you. I plan to, and soon. One of the good things about living in the desert is the strange skies. The wind is a mysterious sculpture, for sure.

  4. A friend in PS also got a pretty fab photo of that cloud! No word, however, on whether he also managed to achieve photos of untouchable torties, freckles, or balls in pools. :)
