Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Summer Art

Today's blog entry is to showcase new summer season work. If you're on our mailing list, you'll likely be receiving an email with a link to this post. These new Poppets and other works are available on Ebay
or Etsy or both. There's a lot of new work, from dark and gloomy to bright and sunny.
You never know what I'll be in the mood for. It's funny too, that the work doesn't necessarily match the weather, inside or out. I've been taking lots of photos lately in the studio, for new 'nuts and bolts' info. Originally I'd planned to put these on the forum, but I'm looking into some more interactive formats. I'm open to suggestions to where we might move the forums. Or if you even want this sort of stuff... ? Anyway, despite the heat, there's loads of inspiration around. Go figure.

Strawberry Poppet and Flower Power Poppet on Etsy.
Our dissenting "WTF" Poppet is on Etsy.
Poppet Reads Alice in Wonderland on Ebay.
Poppet "Locomotion" on Ebay.
"Outside" is an open edition on Etsy and Ebay.

Mermaid is on Ebay.

Butterfly Car is available on Etsy.
"Spook" is on Etsy.

There's a lot of other new work you may not have seen if you haven't checked in for awhile. Hope you enjoy seeing it. We're working away, swimming, and contemplating the state of the desert, the rest of the world and reading like the autodidacts we are.


  1. I love your work !! I add your link on my blog.

  2. Thanks Anne! Hope you visit again soon.

  3. It was lovely seeing Aubrey this weekend! Sorry I didn't get to see you this year.

    I finally got all new bookshelves, with glass doors, so my poppets have moved into them and are displayed prominently around the living room walls. They make great conversation pieces, and I feel more peaceful having them watching over the house.
