Saturday, April 04, 2009

Wind, for Sure

We had some real wind yesterday. Up to 79 mph. So far it looks like no human casualties but some evacuations, lots of mess and some damage and a fire in north PS. Next door a palm tree snapped. We lost the little hummingbirds we've been watching for the last few weeks. That makes me sad.

This morning Aubrey and I drive to LA. So I'm off...

oh---a look at Marci, who joins Pierrot and Colette.


  1. 79 mph!?! I think you could just hook up a sail to the car for your trip!

    Glad no one was hurt, sorry about the damage though. Hopefully the hummingbirds will be back quickly!

  2. sheesh. did I type 79? It was 70.
    I should likely correct that.
    Still, enough to uproot lots of trees in the park. and whisk away the banners downtown.

  3. sheesh. did I type 79? It was 70.
    I should likely correct that.
    Still, enough to uproot lots of trees in the park. and whisk away the banners downtown.

  4. Wow. This kind of wind is extremely rare here in Brazil. And it only happens in very few locations. Must be very frightening (and awe-inspiring maybe, as many displays of natural power). It's great that no one got hurt (almost no one. Sad thing about the hummingbirds).

    wv: imatteck

  5. Lisa, that reminds me of one of Larry Niven's Beowulf Schaeffer stories, the name of which escapes me now. But the planet had murderous winds in the spring (and i think the fall).

    We're having some mild breezes back east now, which is nice. i like spring.

  6. Speaking of Larry Niven, I was excited to read that Jonathan Strahan will be editing a collection of Niven short stories for a Subterranean Press edition that will come out next year! Very excited!
