Saturday, August 23, 2008

stumbling, roughly in a forward direction

We've resumed work on video projects. Here are a few seconds from Blast Radius.

The air is starting to cool slightly, though experience says we'll have another week of hellish heat right after school starts in Sept. The nights are cooling.

The studio is getting a good cleaning in anticipation of Halloween work. We have switched (as of today) to the fall schedule, which means getting up very early.

We are spending less time dodging debris, more time being productive. We have made things---the Anti Summer Neil Gaiman Rat is really very cool and there are Poppets in Fake Pants. And the studio looks even more like mad scientists are at work.

Some of you sent good things my way, including words and good wishes. They were all put to good use. Thank you.

Art is being made. Some of the art does things.

Occasionally we shoot strange, small rockets into the sky.

Sometimes we find ourselves in Backwards House on Opposite Day.

How does one rearrange spaces that are bigger inside than out?

We're gathering stories without even trying. I'm okay with that.

photos tomorrow.



  1. Really looking forward to more of Blast Radius. That teaser was tres cool!

  2. Poppets in trousers?

    This is... this is... I just can't get my head around it.

    Art that does things. Sounds cool.

  3. How does one rearrange spaces that are bigger inside than out?

    I believe that is a question for The Doctor!
