Today, after forgetting for the third time what I'd gone to the shelves for, it dawned on me that I've been working Angie's hours with her, Ben's hours with him and my own.
I am quite achy, and apparently, becoming, ahem, somewhat grumpy.
Tomorrow I plan to read, watch a DVD with Pete (Daywatch--no spoilers please) and play some games with Orion. Maybe I'll play with some clay while reacquainting myself with a certain sofa.
Sometimes working at home is a very good thing.
Still, the studio is bustling with new work. Ben and I are very happy to have Angie join us.
We have been three mad elves, making.
Though the nights are cool with dark starry skies, the weather is too warm for fall. The time change from the totally nonsensical 'daylight saving' summer hours adds it's own bit of chaos.
It's not a thing like time travel.
But none of that has slowed the madly making. It will be interesting indeed to see what comes about when the temps drop and we can work with the doors open.
I thought you might enjoy the work of Sue Boehme. I do. I have a small piece of her work that's a clay sculpture from what must be a very strange garden. I hope to have more in the future.
Also, I am remembering to thank Ravyn for designing the bookmark given as part of the RIP Challenge.
Now, time to recharge.
How was Daywatch? I just saw Nightwatch recently and liked it enough to pick up the books.