Monday, September 17, 2007

Rats, Chicken Soup, Poppet Planet Spins Along

I've had several questions recently about Rats, especially whether new ones are planned. The answer is yes, I do have plans for new rats. Of course I do! Last year I decided to commit a year to getting Poppet Planet going. That was the beginning of October. Here we are, nearly a year later, and Poppet Planet seems to be spinning along on its axis. We still have lots of work to do on the website---at this point, it's basically still a framework. But it's a working framework. Poppets are making their ways around the world. This week I sent Poppets off to Japan, Australia, the UK and Portugal. Each goes out with its own tiny magic, and the message inherent in Poppets; to open our eyes and look with broader vision, to see that we are more alike than different and that we're all in this together.

Because of that, I know the year has been well spent and I must thank you, for mentioning Poppets on your blogs, to your friends and for your own Poppet vision. So, thank you.

This fall we will expand our workspace and I will begin training a studio assistant who will enable me to spend more time creating new originals.

So yes, there will be new Rats. And new Poppets and new Art. And I will be able to finish up projects started previously that have been put on hold, like Tiny Stories and Poppet books.

Which brings me to another bunch of questions about The Poppet Project. I'm not sure even what The Poppet Project is, except that it's been mentioned in the forums. There's no time available to work on it now though several suggestions have been made which I'm considering. I will say that when I do chose a project it will be such that anyone who wants to participate, can.

Other than that, I'm sending poppets out every day. I'm approximately 2 days behind schedule as I spent the weekend recovering from a nasty bug that followed Orion home from school last week. He was sick for about two hours, having the fast system of a 5 year old. The bug, however, mowed the rest of us down with what seemed like glee and we were down for days.

Yes, the joys of school. I'd forgotten this part.

Anyway, after lots of orange juice, chicken soup, and the first season of Lost kindly lent me by our friend Clyde Erwin, I should be catching up again. Pete and Aubrey have recovered as well.

It's Monday morning. Ben will be here soon. He is sealing the glass front on the fortune teller and finishing up some boxes he made for Play in the Dark. We are talking about ways to make the Brainy Toy art pieces, well, do things. Like walk. I for one, would love to see little brains walking. You?

In the meantime, there will be Rats at the Play in the Dark sale. Some pretty special Halloween-y ones. Along with extra spooky Poppets too.

Have a good Monday!


  1. Walking Brains would be a blast!!

    boy do I hear you about the chicken soup and orange juice. I've caught another cold... and it has lodged in my ear.. Alas a lack of health!!

  2. hope you feel better soon
