Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Water, Art, Music, Poppets on Tour

Orion's suit arrived. The water is getting pretty chilly.
We, however, are not! I'm thinking, it's really good to try to swim as much of the year as possible. If I do this every day, I (in theory) will be able to keep doing it, even when I'm very old, assuming fairly good health. I like that idea. I could join the Polar Bears at sixty five. It's a thought.

I'll be participating in the Creature Features "October Shadows" event Oct 13 - Nov 1. Thank you, Lorraine, Malena and Miles, for the invitation! I'm looking forward to meeting some very cool and talented artists.

My friend and sort-of ex-neighbor Michael is touring the UK with his band, Jack Saints Tour Schedule. If they're passing through your neighborhood, you can check them out. Or just open your window. You might hear them.

Very extremely obscenely early on Thursday morning, Ben and I will leave for the Dark Caravan Carnival in Virgina. Poppets are coming with us and we plan to do our very own verson of P. O.T. It will be fun for us, and later, fun for you too. At least, that is the evil plan.

Now, I must get back to work!!!



  1. Orion looks adorable in that suit. Great idea.

  2. ....polar bears have a layer of fat to keep them warm.. not sure what you're implying there. Remember, you still have to be skinny enough to fit it the corner standing up when the taxidermist is done with you.

  3. You look like a couple of wetsuit superheroes! Great picture.

    That Creature Features site looks fantastic. Thanks for the link. I look forward to seeing how you participate in it.

  4. If you and Ben have any downtime and would like a guided tour of some of Virginia's odder and more delightful sites, such as the burial place of Stonewall Jackson's right arm, Foamhenge, and Dinosaur Kingdom (dinosaurs attacking Confederate soldiers!), I would be happy to oblige. It all depends on where in VA you'll be and how much time you have.

  5. i think you should put her behind a huge picture window, in her wetsuit. Kind of like the shark tanks at the aquarium. In fact, if the preservatives work, maybe you should put her in a tank.....

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. The picture is incredibly warming, even if the water is not.

    Halloween is my favorite, and it makes me so excited to see that this Creature Features project is happening. Halloween is so many different things, and it is so cool to see so many different artists coming together to prove that exact point.
