Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Oh yes, Aubrey is definitely my offspring...


  1. Happy Birthday, Mistress Aubrey,
    Hope your parent's aren't too slobbery,
    When they kiss you,
    Wishing Happiness to you.

    For a birthday kiss that's slobbery,
    (And I'm sure you know this Aubrey)
    Is the sort of thing
    That parents like to do.

    But in retrospect, Dear Aubrey,
    I am sure you'll find those slobbery,
    Loving kisses on your Birthday
    that you hate...

    Are very same and slobbery
    Birthday Kisses, Mistress Aubrey,
    You'll be missing when
    You're turning 98.

    Happy Birthday Aubrey!

  2. That is DEFINITELY what I would do to Spongebob >:-)
