Friday, May 05, 2006

Road Trip! We set out for LepreCon and the Nebula Award weekend. Everything arrived in one piece, set up is done and Orion is ready to find someone with which to discuss all things Jedi.


  1. We can only hope that you are having as much fun at the Con and the Nebulas as Orion looks to be having.

    Take lots of pix for us!!!!

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    hi lisa!

    just stopping by to say hello...orion is so cute i could devour him in one gulp. love your new work, too. you rock.

    peace, kelli bickman

  3. I love the name Orion. I think that is a wonderful name... and I agree he is a very cute child. Great smile. Will he be coming to Balticon with you?

  4. Looking forward to convention reports as soon as you are rested up and ready to reveal all.

  5. What is that green stuff? It looks *clap of thunder* eeevil...

  6. As a child I was raised on a complete diet of microwave popcorn and *clap of thunder* eeevil... so it's nice to see that tradition continue.
