Friday, February 24, 2006


This is a weekend for certain artists to quietly pound away at multiple projects, though I will try to post a photo or two, here and there.

Now is also a good time for RRNN to check in. Emails are going awry and verses beg to be written.

I got a glimpse of the Strange Birds chapbook last night. I like what I saw. Gene Wolfe can write sweetness and light. Gene Wolfe can travel to very dark places. He says I sent him, this time.


  1. BTW - my mom told me tonight that "Poe's mail-order bride" arrived today :-)

  2. The mistress calls; demands I write:
    And so I labor, day and night.
    With pages piled, and stacked on high,
    I crouch and wait, for her reply.

    For Death, or Midnight; Scottish Isle,
    I hope to win a laugh or smile.
