Monday, December 19, 2005

I thought you were entitled to the Magic Worm Blower instructions as well, then I realized that I cut off the bottom, which says:

Keeps crawlers off the bottom, increases the size of skinny crawlers.

--Talk about your nematode hell. SHEESH So wrong, on so many levels. Ben loves me.


  1. ummmm

    Ben is scary.

    We *likes* scary Ben, Precioussssssss.


    RRNN: Upzuh - regurgitation due to overexposure to chutzpah (i'm not good at this :-)

  2. No, Ravyn, that's one of the most beautiful things anyone has ever said to me.

    It's actually got me feeling a little upzuh, from all the emotion (not chutzpah, though, o maybe I'm mistaken). (Upzuh: it's not just a verb anymore! It's a noun and an adjective too!)

    If it makes you feel better, I've got absolutely nothing for 'vmwzohpr'.

  3. well i've been getting a big kick out of the ones you've been posting :-)

    i just haven't been able to think up any good ones for the words i've been getting (like today'sword: Itodnslb)

    posters ate my brain, yuck!
