Sunday, December 18, 2005

Done, not undone

There is a mountain of boxes by the front door. The gift pieces are all done and I rewarded myself with the longest, hottest shower in the history of this house. Clear white zen.
The holiday project was hard work. I learned a lot and will be happy to share. Overall, it has been a good experience. I'm honored so many wanted me to make things for people they love. Very cool indeed.

The studio is papered with notes and quick sketches. I think I mentioned a while back that I work whether I'm inspired or not because good ideas nearly always find their way to the surface when I'm working. Maybe it just puts my brain on the correct channel. Unfortunately it works this way when I'm not looking for new ideas at all.

Next is a January of finishing up projects already in the works, a male version of Relic (I'm really looking forward to doing), a painting to replace "Star Play" at Worlds of Wonder. And, the fortune teller, who's wheel is now done.

Now I'm sitting looking at the fire and thinking about water. Years ago I wanted to make a sculpture that would work best underwater. Something that currents would move in a way that winds couldn't. It's not very practical, true. And some of my friends, okay, most of my friends, thought it funny. It can be funny, sure, but I still don't hate the idea. Maybe one day, many years from now. I can dream, can't I? Beats shuffleboard. Besides, I have no idea how shuffleboard is played, just that my grandmother played it and it looked really, really boring.

There's no Ben-ism for today, because there was no Ben. Music though (as you seem to be enjoying this):
Neutral Milk Hotel
Charles Ives
A ballet mix (Ballintine)
Bad Religion
Toad the Wet Sprocket
John Prine

Last week I couldn't find a spring on the floor. Tonight I can't find the floor. But the door stands out. It states, in big orange letters, "Nothin' can go wrong now!". I close it behind me.

Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep. Tomorrow is another day and we will each be a little changed.



  1. Anonymous12:26 AM

    It is now after midnight on the West Coast.

    December 19th


  2. Many happy returns of the day!

    A male version of Relic... well, you know that makes me very happy. I like Relics.

  3. Happy birthday Lisa!! We love you lots!!

  4. Oooh, we loves John Prine, Preeeciousssssssssssssssss!



