Friday, October 28, 2005

October eyes

Last night Pete heard a noise, opened the back door to a pair of eyes looking right back at him. Our guest was accomodating enough to stay put for a photo. I spent the morning working in the studio, the afternoon seeing "Stay" and the evening packing art for the World Fantasy Convention. Posted by Picasa


  1. I hate to ask, but how was 'Stay'. It has done so poorly at the box office that I don't know anyone who has seen it. Looks interesting.

    Great pics of your early trick-or-treater!

  2. Oh wow. This photo is Stunning! It's a wonderful image that captures all the best (and scariest) things about Halloween for me...Don't suppose you'd like to work it up as a painting, would you? (including your own Special Touches, of course).

    Happy Samhain!

  3. Beautiful pic, nicely "framed" by the fencing and cornstalks. I think the photo looks good as is, but needs one of your famous three-dimensioanl frames.

    I am absolutely terrified of Raccoons. Why the masks? What are they hiding? I have this theory that they're nature's bondage enthusiasts, but I have absolutely no evidence to back that up.

    Just going with my gut.

  4. Wait. Those aren't cornstalks, are they? What is that, some kinda California tree? I'm in Maine. Totally different flora.

  5. My partner and I saw Stay last week. We really enjoyed it, but we went in with no expectations. If nothing else it was visually very interesting. Full of intense textures in everything from costumes to set dressing. The story was engaging and the direction and action were strong.

  6. Carl, I completely agree with Robert regarding Stay. Lots to see. Those are palm trees, also known as overgrown grass.

    Everyone, we'be been spammed. Be sure to let the bold Mr. Lippert know what you think.

  7. and, RRNN, cornstalks would be better...
