Friday, August 19, 2005

Before we even get the photos loaded from one wedding, we are just about to head out to another one. Tonight is Ben's rehearsal dinner. He'll be coming home with us, and will be our little puppy until the wedding tomorrow, when he will become the property of Shelby. If you haven't been acquaninted with Ben, he's in the archives, Behind the Scenes, if memory serves. Anyway. quick post before going. Wish us all luck. I'll be doing tomorrow's toast and, though I'm refraining from using any Klingon, I will actually be quoting from OSC's Speaker for the Dead. I do love Ender. And this is her majesty in her usual demeanor. She does not yet love me, but as I continue to bribe her with ham and treats and rubbing, I begin to feel something for her. I have to at least respect her shameless contempt. Posted by Picasa


  1. It's like staring into the stone-cold eyes of my own death.

    I may not sleep.


  2. Best of luck and many blessings for you and the happy couple this weekend!

    And that cat looks like it means business, no doubt about it!
