Sunday, June 12, 2005

Ok, that was fun...

I was reading and making coffee, waiting for Orion to wake. It's just the two of us this morning. Pete is away working and Aubrey is at her friend's house. We had a friendly little S. Cal shake up. No damage, but hanging pictures are crooked and all the closet doors are hanging open.
Orion has a massive wooden bunk bed. For now, being the little tot he is, he sleeps underneath. It's like a fortress. We huddled there until everything quieted.
"That's pretty scary," he told me. "Sure was," I agreed.

According to the initial USGS reports it was a 5.6 about 17 miles from here in the middle of not too much.

Still, running through a shaking house to Orion was definitely stimulating. No coffee this morning. Think we'll have some milk.

I'll be back later to post the new writing project.


  1. I'm so glad ya'll are safe. I couldn't imagine living with the likelihood of quakes. From here the earth seems pretty solid.

  2. Yes, indeed. Here in Britain, it made headlines all over the country when there was an earth tremor a couple of years ago. It's as well to be reminded, from time to time, that we have not tamed nature and that the earth is not here purely for our convenience...

    That said, it must be highly scary to be in the middle of it, and I am heartily glad you are undamaged. I hope no sculptures got shoogled, either...
