Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Luck Be Nimble

Luck Be Nimble... Mr Hyde never showed, but the nasty little virus that got Orion on Sunday joined the studio. Being the artistically driven, strong adults we are, we naturally dropped like flies and whined like babies. Now the worst is over and though I don't feel much like writing, I will sit here with my Gatorade and send you lots of photos.


  1. Sorry that the illness has spread...just another of the joys of parenthood! Funny how we don't bounce back as quickly as the little tykes!

    I find it interesting how much more colorful...or at least how much brighter...this is than the original. The angel being the thing most obviously in stark contrast to its previous incarnation. Any thoughts on why this is?

  2. The first sculptural textbook I read was The Materials and Methods of Sculpture, Jack C. Rich, copy. 1947 It stated that it takes about ten years of daily work for a sculptor's style to emerge. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear at the time. Now, fourteen years later, I not only understand what that statement meant, but also that it rings true. Even now, I'm not sure I'm 'there' yet. I sure hope not. I'm thinking my best efforts will emerge in my fifties and sisties. I know I"m still growing. Still, I have enough experience now to distinquish separate periods of work. I'm pretty sure a few years from now this one will be recognizable as well. So, lots of words later I'll answer: it's a phase...

  3. I'm glad that you think you haven't 'arrived' yet, that just means even more amazing work from you in the years to come!
