Friday, April 15, 2005

Friday - Self

As promised, while I took bunches of photos in studio today, I got one of me.


  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Thank you for your tireless
    efforts and your amazing posts....

    ...Don't know where you get your strength ...actually, maybe I do....

    I know your family is an insperation that is strong....

    I wish you well, and I will follow your journal

    ...Hangin in Colorado.....


  2. This photo really illustrates something that i noticed a while ago (being so familiar with your work, heh), that many of the characters in your sculpture have an uncanny resemblance to you. i can't really articulate it very well, past a dreamy expression in the face, and there is a resemblance in the shape of the lips and eyes... and at times, the shape of the face itself, though i think your sculptures are slightly more round or heart-shaped in the face. But when i first saw the photo you posted, i knew i'd have to compare it to your work, sooooooooooo.......

    Lisa-Scultpure Montage.


  3. My, my..... I can see what you mean, Ravyn. I used to think that it was quite interesting that many artists choose/chose to do self-portraits during their careers...Now I see that All the creations in art are Self-Portraits.....


  4. To Jordan's Mom: What??? Yes, and all my dreams are about me....

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Hi Lisa,

    This is Jordan from the infamous duo: Jordan and Jordan's Mom. Just started watching your blog and am liking it more by the post. One thing, do you, like our friend Neil, enjoy the ingestion of sushi?

    Just curious.
