Tuesday, April 05, 2005

At the risk of making one Mr. Gaiman quite nervous, I've decided to post some detailed 'work in progress' photos for his "Luck Be Nimble, Fate Be Quick" kinetic sculpture. Photos of the piece as it was when it arrived are in the archives. I'll look later and add a link for you. I'm making a number of changes to the sculpture and actually, having a good time doing it. Later on, when it's all finished, I'll do a "before and after" thing for you.
Here is a link to earlier photos:SlaughterHouse Studios: February 2005


  1. God, I am SO jealous! Why can't *I* be a fantastically talented and successful writer so I could afford gto commission pieces like this from you? HUFF! Guess I have to count on winning the lottery....

  2. The sculpture is spifftacular so far, i am looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    This is absolutely fascinating; I'm so glad you're posting all this. I never knew all that was involved. Thanks.

  4. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I've had the opportunity to see this piece in person (before it was installed at the Gaiman household) and I know how amazing it was in it's original incarnation. I can't remember which con it was at, but I made many extra trips to the art show to watch it perform it's dance and to discover more and more details from every angle. From the looks of the new work being added, it will now have so many more levels of amazement to beguile passersby.

    Congratz to Neil.

  5. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I've had the opportunity to see this piece in person (before it was installed at the Gaiman household) and I know how amazing it was in it's original incarnation. I can't remember which con it was at, but I made many extra trips to the art show to watch it perform it's dance and to discover more and more details from every angle. From the looks of the new work being added, it will now have so many more levels of amazement to beguile passersby.

    Congratz to Neil.

  6. See Lisa, that's why I haven't posted before. I'm a spaz :)

  7. Just had to pop in and add my thanks to you for posting the process - it's really great to see how it all comes together! The detail in your work is just gorgeous.

  8. Lisa, at the risk of sounding very dim, I'm going to ask you what material the sculpture is made of. Do you use some kind of clay? Or metal? Or something resinous? I'm very ignorant in this kind of thing, and from your beautiful photographs I can only make out that you make this material (whatever it is) do amazing things (looks like water is flowing out of the pipe at the base). And it all looks so different again when you apply another coat of paint. Or isn't it paint?

  9. Looking good, girl. Maybe you could take it on the road for a short time before it goes home to rest?????

    Since you liked "Firefly"so much (a show that would definitely have found its following if they'd only given it a chance....,)you might want to try "Deadwood".
