Sunday, February 13, 2005

Stuff as illustrated by monkeys

In case you missed it, Greg P. offered The Law of Monkey in response to my last post on anger non-management. I'm posting it here because it's worth the read. I spent a bit of time on the site and for a few seconds thought "Hey---that's what I'm talking about. I don't even need to post, I can just send people here. " Then, reading on, I decided to hang in there for balance. This is a very testosterone-heavy site. Good information, and funny in places, but it reminded me of exactly why I stopped playing Magic, The Gathering. I think I started playing (about 7 years ago) just at the time the game got to be a lot more about buying cards, and the rules changes turned intelligent people I enjoyed playing with into monkeys in a pissing contest. It was a good game too...
It works out in the end, because as of late, I'm learning far more than I ever wanted to know about commitment to art. No time for games, Dr. Jones...
Thanks Greg. Cool site.

1 comment:

  1. Never actually read anyhting else on the site -- someone had forwarded the link to the Monkeysphere piece to me, and I stopped with that one read. But yeah, the style is very testosterone-y. That said, though, I think the guy has a point -- it definitely explains a lot about human society at large....
